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check text before sending

  • hotuhai


    Hi, I have a great bbpress site, But how to check the text before submitting?
    I want the user to write at least 500 characters before they can press submit.
    I used the bbp_new_topic_pre_content hook but now I want them to not be able to press submit before being eligible.
    Do you have any solution?
    Many Thank

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  • Robin W


    This might be the same as you are saying you don’t want – the user can press the submit, but it returns an error. As close as you’ll get without some js.

    function rew_min_length ($reply_content) {
    	if (strlen($reply_content)<500) {
    		bbp_add_error( 'bbp_reply_content', __( '<strong>ERROR</strong>: Your reply must be at least 500 characters.', 'bbpress' ) );
    return $reply_content ;
    add_filter( 'bbp_new_reply_pre_content', 'rew_min_length' );



    Thank you very much, but this is not what I need,
    You and I were basically the same thing with different hooks.
    However, we still have to send the request to check after pressing the submit button.
    I don’t want that to happen.
    I am looking for a solution to not show the submit button when it is not eligible.
    I was thinking of javascript, however, it depends on the client. Any ideas in this direction?
    Thank you.

    Robin W


    sorry, well beyond free help, but in essence this is just an html form, so a bit of googling should let you create some js.

    Robin W


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