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Dropdown menu to jump between forums

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  • airdrawndagger


    I was looking for an easy way out, just creating a problem where there wasn’t one. I just did a basic html dropdown list, linking to the urls of the forums. Check it out above!



    Simple enough. Nice solution.

    Obviously this is an old post but it didn’t really give any answers and the link is to a PHPBB install.

    Can anyone tell me how to add a dropdown to change between forums? The function below lists the forums in a select options list, but I need a way to submit the options to a form that would switch forums. What would the action and method be? I’m running short on time and need to get this working asap so any help would be awesome.

    <?php bb_forum_dropdown(); ?>

    Sam Bauers


    All solutions using dropdown for navigation require javascript.

    So use that function then add a script to your page to watch for events on that select box.

    Is there a foreach that I can do on the forums that’s not bb_forums()?

    Never mind, I got a working function now.

    Never mind, I got a working function now.

    I am also looking for that. Would you please share your solution?

    @dragunoff: I’m still working out the kinks for the new Freelance Switch forum, but when it’s showing correct output on my staging server I’ll definitely share my findings.



    Has anyone found out how to have a forum dropdown menu?

    <?php forum_dropdown(); ?> shows the drop down but no actual movement.

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