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transfering wp and bb to the same db

  • @clairecc


    I tried implimenting the user sync with wordpress but then realised I needed the two systems to use the same database. So I went through exporting the data from the bb database to put in the wp database. But it wont import because it says wp_usermeta and wp_users already exists in the wordpress database.

    Correct me if I am wrong, because what I know about databases and sql you could put on the back of a postage stamp, but I think these two fields? have come from me trying to integrate the databases so is it ok to delete wp_usermeta and wp_users from the bbpress database before copying to the wordpress database?

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  • @sambauers


    That’s right as long as you don’t have any users in those tables that you need to transfer to the other wp_* tables.



    All done thanks!!!!



    Okay, bit of a problem. I have managed to sync so that bb sign in looks to wp database and I can log in with wp details on bb but when I do administrator in wp is just a registered user in bb and I havent got access to the bb admin panel… I cant seem how to work out how to give top privilidges to a user without logging into the admin panel in bb which I cant do!



    Not a problem as long as you have access to the databases. :) Open phpMyAdmin through your administration panel of your web hosting account, go to your database, open wp_usermeta and then click the ‘Search’ tab. Put into the “search conditions” field user_id = 1 AND meta_key = 'bb_capabilities' (this should be the user_id of your admin account). Edit the (hopefully) one result that comes up, and change the meta_value to a:1:{s:9:"keymaster";b:1;}. Then you should be keymaster.



    Thanks, that’s worked great!

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