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MyBB 1.8.22 Import/convert to BBpress

  • @pepdoca


    WP Version 5.6.1 – BBpress Version 2.6.6 – Site is currently private and in development.
    I am trying to import a relatively small, private MyBB forum (200 Forums, 290 threads, 9000 posts, 50 users) however I keep running into an issue where the converter somehow gets a total count of 5703 threads which makes several duplicates of every thread. If it was a smaller circumstance I would just manually delete the duplicates however which such a huge number of duplicates I was hoping some skilled eyes might see or understand what has happened.
    I have a bit of a background in coding so have been trying to troubleshoot through the code to understand when it is reading the thread table why it would end up with exponentially more thread rows than actually exist. In review the thread table I have confirmed that there are only 290 rows so I am not sure what the converter code is doing to create this circumstance.
    I have read through the converter and converter class files, but can’t seem to pin point where in the Step Seven, Topic conversion that this error is being produced.

    If anyone can provide any assistance with experience with this, or pointing me in the direction of the files of code that I should be trying to troubleshoot to ensure I am in the right direction, that would be greatly appreciated!

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  • @pepdoca


    Update Feb 11, 2021.
    Having looked at this more thoroughly it looks like what has happened is that most of my replies have been treated as separate topics by the importer. Having had a deeper look between the replies that were imported properly and those that ended up in separate topics, it is likely related to the fact that all of my replies had been submitted by a form. These replies were then manually moved into the appropriate thread, however because of this, there is no value in the replyto column of the posts table. I believe that the converter relies on this relationship to combine replies in the same topic as opposed to relying on the tid column.
    I am working my way through the converter code to see if I can identify the function that establishes this relationship with hopes of updating it to work. Alternatively I may have to manually update the post table in MyBB prior to import to establish this relationship.



    Next Update Aft Feb 11, 2021.
    Having looked more into the WP post table, it turns out that the post_parent value has been associated with the forum id (fid) from MyBB and as such the importer converts each of these unassociated reply entries as a new topic as it can’t create the reply association needed by BBPress that relies on replies post_parent being tied to the initial post/reply in a topic.
    Based on this latest understanding I expect I am going to have to go in to the MyBB post table and manually populate the replyto column as this is not likely something that can be resolved, based on my knowledge, by changes or updates to the converter. I am going to create a duplicate install of my latest MyBB installation and test this process to see if I am correct.



    any updates? im also intrested in this 🙁



    I had to shift my attentions elsewhere for my website development, but will be working on trialing the import of the manually updated MyBB post table hopefully by the end of April. I will update when I have tried it and will report on the results.




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