so what is the difference you are seeing ?
One has 9 topics the other 14. Scrolling from the bottom the were in sync until about two months ago. Then about two months ago they don’t jive. It’s like 2 months ago the “my subscribed topics” is just topics from the forums, not subscriptions from the main blog.
and what do you mean by ‘subscriptions from the main blog.’ ?
It’s BBpress. Specifically there’s a forum part of the site and a blog page part of the site. That link doesn’t match this one:
The site has both blog posts and topics as well as bbpress.
ok, not something I’ve played with, as far as I know the bbpress subscriptions only shows subscriptions to bbpress forums and topics.
How are you enabling site subscriptions – is your site or are you using say Jetpack?
Wordpress code, no jetpack
There is a menu bar option on the sidebar that exposes “my subscribed topics”
and that is created from using what?
Hey @sbask, I see that you use my GD bbPress Toolbox Pro, and the view it creates. I have not noticed that it has the issue you describe, but I will check it out. It would be beneficial if you can open the topic in the official support forum, and share more details about the problem so we can debug it.
Also, you are using a fairly outdated version (5.6) that might be having issues with bbPress 2.6, while the latest one is 6.3. bbPress 2.6 has made changes to the way it handles subscriptions, and old GD bbPress Toolbox Pro most likely was still using the old subscriptions method.
@gdragon – thanks for spotting this 🙂
Hey, @robin-w, and I can confirm that the problem is the format for subscriptions that changed in bbPress 2.6 (from usermeta to postmeta), so the old version of my plugin the @sbask uses was released almost 2 years ago, and bbPress 2.6 was not yet released, so it doesn’t support the change in the subscriptions format.
Huh, the plug in doesn’t indicate that it was out of date. Okay I’ll make arrangements for an update.