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Allowing Line Spacing in Forum Description

  • @theicebooky


    Is it possible to allow spacing in the Forum description? Right now, even when you created different paragraphs for the description, the spacing will disappear and the paragraph will be squished together in the shown forum description.

    Is it possible to allow spacing in the forum description?

    Thank you!!

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  • @theicebooky


    Is it possible to allow spacing in the BBpress Forum description? Right now, even when you created different paragraphs for the description, the spacing will disappear and the paragraph will be squished together in the shown forum description.

    Is there a way to get different paragraphs to seperated when thr forum description is shown?

    Is there a code snippet that I can add? I don’t know how to code but I would love this to work.

    If you want picture examples, I will be more than happy to provide!



    this should get you somewhere, although does throw up some raw displays in the backend

    add_filter( 'bbp_get_forum_content', 'rew_show_paras' , 10 , 2 );
    function rew_show_paras ($content, $forum_id) {
    	$post = get_post($forum_id);
    	$the_content = apply_filters('the_content', $post->post_content);
    return $the_content ;
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