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Questions Regarding a Terrible Install

  • @inquirer


    I did an install.

    The link to my site wasn’t correct.

    The next portion of the install didn’t look like

    The Ultimate bbpress Guide

    There wasn’t a clean Adminstrator login and the web page was barren with links.

    How do I clean out my orginal terrible install, then install again?

    I decided to delete all the files from my server.

    I edited the config.php again.

    I FTPed the directory again.

    I entered in my browser

    I received a message that I had already installed do you mean upgrade?

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  • @fel64


    Drop your tables. Open phpMyAdmin, look for the database you set and delete the tables starting with ‘bb_’ (or with whatever you set in config.php, if different).



    I wasn’t even able to login into admin from my orginal install.

    Therefore I FTPed into my server and deleted all the files.

    I edited the config.php again.

    I FTPed all the files again.

    I am using a Unix server.

    ‘BBDB_HOST’ is ‘localhost’



    Someone else had a similar problem.

    I have deleted the old bbpress on my server bcuz it wouldnt work and i cleared out all my database and uploaded the new version of bbpress. now after i install and try to do anything all it says is “Already Installed. Try Upgrading.” nothing works at all.

    Hope someone can help me. thanks!


    Posted 3 weeks ago #



    This isn’t about the files. This is about the databases.

    You need to use phpMyAdmin or another tool to get rid of the old tables. If you do not know how to access your databases in this way, contact your host.

    The “already installed” message occurs after bbPress checks your databases for an entry in, I can’t remember, bb_forums or bb_topics. While there is data in those tables, you cannot install again. That’s why you need to get rid of them. You also need to get rid of the other bb_ tables because it will try to create new ones with the same name.



    I logged into my account at my web hosting service, but I don’t find how to access phpMyAdmin or another tool to get rid of the old tables from my orginal install.

    I have sent an e-mail to my web hosting service support.

    Thank you for your response to my inquiry.



    Does clicking the ‘RSS feed for this topic’ link give this topic more exposure outside this forum?

    It apears that a post on this forum is able to be edited for up to an hour, which is the default setting in the config.php file.

    On another forum of a different nature, the posts are able to be edited indefinitely, which can come in handy rather than creating another post.

    Just a thought.

    I like the ‘This topic is one of your favorites’ feature.



    The RSS feed link doesn’t change anything. The link is merely there so you can find the RSS feed more easily, so that you can subscribe to it if you so wish – but it doesn’t publicise this or anything like that.

    What’s the thought? That posts should be editable indefinitely? Bear in mind people won’t check back to check for edits; usually they’ll only check again if they see a new post.



    [What’s the thought? That posts should be editable indefinitely?]


    If not, then perhaps a day.

    Sometimes you later find information while you are waiting for a reply, which could better explain your problem.



    I received the following from my web hosting service support.

    [As with everything in computing it never gets easier, just harder. PhPMyAdmin is not installed on the servers but you can install it on your account if you wish to use it. You can also login to the server via ssh and connect to the database from a shell prompt. Use the drop table <tablename> command for each table to remove them.]

    I went to

    The latest stable version is phpMyAdmin 2.10.2.

    phpMyAdmin supports themes since version 2.6.0.

    Are phpMyAdmin themes a more user friendly interface to Admin a php database?

    I sent an e-mail to my web hosting serice support to determine which version of php is on my server.

    My web hosting service is running Unix servers.

    I am running Windows 200o Professional on my computer.

    [You can also login to the server via ssh and connect to the database from a shell prompt.]

    I found OpenSSH Windows at

    I guess I could use either PuTTY or TTSSH software to login to my server via ssh.

    [Use the drop table <tablename> command for each table to remove them.]

    I have a MYSQL book and a php book, which should help me.

    Thanks a response in advance.



    Since you thanked me for this already … not a clue. Cannot help you. If no-one else here can, I suggest you look up a forum that helps with either of those things.

    [edit] … but you’ve already found help about this in another thread. Coolio.

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