It could be a theme or plugin issue issue, so you’ll need to test to find out which
As a test switch to a default theme such as twentyfifteen, and see if this fixes.
Deactivate all but bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.
Then come back
Still no success.
I have been reading about some people saying they reverted to older versions of PHP. Could this work?
Bluehost are telling me they can’t see anything from their side either.
Also, if it helps, I haven’t updated to added any plugin etc to my site in a while.
Users keep getting an HTTP 500 error when trying to post
every time, mostly, sometimes?
all users, some users, participant, keymaster?
topics, replies, both ?
Every time, all users, topics & replies
ok, so
your site was working – and with no changes that you are aware of, it is now not working ?
it happens every time
with a default theme AND just bbpress the error happens – yes?
dashboard>settings>permalinks and just click save – this just resets the permalinks
So my site works perfectly fine. I can even navigate the forum and so can users. The issue is only with trying to post anything on the forum for myself or any user.
Which is strange.
sorry, what I meant was ‘were users able to post topics and replies and now can’t, or have you recently added bbpress and topics and replies have never worked’
and did you try resetting permalinks?
Yes, had bbpress running for about 8 months now and no issues ever before.
Permalink reset has not worked unfortunately!
Sites do not just stop working – there will be a change
So if nothing wordpress-wise has changed, then it must be something outside of wordpress that has changed – sorry but back to your hosters for help.