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Deleting thousands of spam topics

  • @tuxkapono


    I have 3400 spam topics I need to delete because they’re overloading the server. I can only delete 20 at a time via the Dashboard.

    1. If I have 3400 spam topics showing up in bbpress > Topics, why are there only 9 Topics showing up in the database [databasename]_bb_topics? How can I delete them in the database if they don’t show up there?
    2. If I delete the forum that the spam topics are in, does that automatically delete all the spam topics?

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  • @robin-w


    dashbaoard>topics>all topics

    top right of screen click ‘screen options’

    change ‘number of items per page’ to 999 and you can delete 999 at a time, it will take while to refresh but only 4 times needed to get rid of 3400



    Better check for some antispam plugins, captcha etc., otherwise you’re gonna spend whola lotta time deleting the spam manually 😉

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