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Single/Double digit sorting errors in mysql query

  • wittmania


    I am working on adding a “Most Viewed Topics” list to my bb-Topic-Views plugin, and I’m getting hung up on one little thing. This is the code I am using to pull the topic ID and # of views from the topicmeta table:

    $most_viewed = (array) $bbdb->get_results("SELECT topic_id, meta_value FROM $bbdb->topicmeta WHERE meta_key='views' ORDER BY meta_value DESC");

    I then use array_slice to shorten the list to the number of posts the user wants to have listed. The only problem is that the results are sorted out of order.

    For instance, a post with 5 views would come before a post with 40, because 5 is higher than 4. In other words, any post with a single-digit number of views is sorted above posts with a double-digit number of views.

    Has anyone ever had this problem? Any ideas how to fix it?

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  • wittmania


    Answered my own questions. Thanks to plenty of googling, I learned that I needed to use the cast() function to consider the values as numbers instead of as text strings.

    This is the code I ended up with:

    $most_viewed = (array) $bbdb->get_results("SELECT topic_id, meta_value FROM $bbdb->topicmeta WHERE meta_key='views' ORDER BY cast(meta_value as UNSIGNED) DESC");

    The cast($column as $type) function forces the query to treat the meta_value values as unsigned integers. Nifty, yes?

    Sam Bauers


    Yes, nifty. I was going to suggest a PHP solution, but that’s much neater.

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