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How to promote myself to keymaster?

  • @zippypc


    The “Forums” tab in the dashboard is refusing to show, due to the fact I am no longer a keymaster because of an administrator accidentally deleting my profile from my site. So, now that I have my account back, it can only be set to administrator at the highest. I need to be a keymaster to see the forums tab, and without the forums tab I can’t run the repair tools. I tried user role editor but it isn’t working. What do you suppose I should do?

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  • @zippypc


    If someone could help me I would really appreciate it



    admin and keymaster are two seperate things

    If you are an admin (or someone who is does this)

    go to

    Dashboard>users>all users and select your profile and edit

    Near the bottom, you’ll see your bbpress lkevel, set this to keymaster



    Well, the issue is I can only set the level to moderator at the hightest. The only options near the bottom are these.

    Bbp moderator
    Delete others replies
    Delete others topics
    Delete replies
    Delete topics
    Edit others replies
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    Publish replies
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    Read private replies
    Read private topics
    Ure create capabilities
    Ure create roles
    Ure delete capabilities
    Ure delete roles
    Ure edit roles Help
    Ure manage options
    Ure reset roles



    you must have another plugin as well.

    I can only suggest you contact you administrator

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