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Anonymous posting

  • @poots


    I haven’t searched the forums yet, but i would like to enable anonymous posting. I feel anonymous posting stimulates discussion, instead of letting a forum just become a well managed resource board. Its certainly debate able…. but my goal would be an board that supports anonymous posting and was tag based. Allowing you to link to the board based on tags, so people could quickly jump into relevant topics of conversation.

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  • @chrishajer


    This has been discussed and is not in development, AFAIK:



    Just wanted to put up a link to where to find the code to make anonymous posting happen. It took me a lot of searching before I found it. Works like a charm only problem is that it tries to let you pm the anonymous person.



    i don’t see any instruction on how to use this code. do you have any tips?



    I suggest NOT TO USE this trac plugin. It isn’t official and wont work correct on the current bbPress release. It is created to work IF some modifications are done in bbPress itself.



    Why do you think it’s such a bad idea to use this trac plugin?

    rashantha-you have to copy the plugin and follow the example of what files to hack to make it work.



    can you please be a bit more specific. newbie here, an example would be helpful.

    also can you add a calculation field so that it will stop spam bots.



    Goto the link I mentioned copy and save as a php file.


    Then read: Ticket-633.2.patch You have to follow the directions hacking up the core files.

    If your not comfortable with bbpress probably should avoid this one cause you’ll be messing with the core files.

    Anyone know of a sign-up validator for bbpress?



    actually a post validator.

    then we could have annonymous/anon username/password with a validator to slow down bots.



    Just set the Post_status to “1” if the poster is anonymous and check your ACP daily :) (sorry for my bad english)



    I don’t follow. Could you please explain?



    Replace (in anonymous.php):

    add_action('bb_new_post', 'bb_anonymous_posting_add_post_poster');

    function bb_anonymous_posting_add_post_poster($post_id) {

    global $bbdb;

    $name = bb_get_current_user_info( 'name' );

    $bbdb->query("UPDATE $bbdb->posts SET poster_name = '$name' WHERE post_id = '$post_id'");



    add_action('bb_new_post', 'bb_anonymous_posting_add_post_poster');

    function bb_anonymous_posting_add_post_poster($post_id) {

    global $bbdb;

    $name = bb_get_current_user_info( 'name' );

    $bbdb->query("UPDATE $bbdb->posts SET poster_name = '$name' WHERE post_id = '$post_id'");

    $bbdb->query("UPDATE $bbdb->posts SET post_status = '1' WHERE post_id = '$post_id'");


    Now, new Posts are automaticly marked as spam. You can go to your admin area and undelete them (if its not spam) :D

    sorry for my bad english, im german :)



    Thanks for the code! Tried it out and it works. Right now akismet is catching a large percentage of the spam. If that changes I’m going to implement your solution!



    This is almost working for me. My bbpress was already active, so i didn’t want to run the modified install file. Here is the code that’s in the bb-admin/install.php file:

    // Anonymous User
    $now = bb_current_time('mysql');
    $bbdb->query("INSERT INTO $bbdb->users (user_login, user_registered)
    VALUES ('anonymous', '$now')");
    $bbdb->query("UPDATE $bbdb->users SET ID = '0' WHERE user_login = 'anonymous'");
    bb_update_usermeta( '0', $bb_table_prefix . 'capabilities', array('anonymous' => true) );

    Since my bbpress is already active, I have manually updated my users table by following the guideline in the above code. But, I have no idea what the last line of code means: bb_update_usermeta( '0', $bb_table_prefix . 'capabilities', array('anonymous' => true) );

    Can you modify it so that I can manually update the db or do whatever needs to be done to make it work? Thanks.



    hope this help.. works with

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