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disable pingbacks

  • keytastic


    I’ve disabled pingbacks on my blog (Discussion > Disable pingbacks)… but I’m still getting pingback (trackback?) spam on my website. So far it’s all happening on forum posts. Is there a separate way to disable pingbacks on bbpress?

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  • bbPress does not have pingbacks enabled for it’s post types, they are explicitly disabled.

    Could you be more specific and post a link to some examples and I’ll take a look.

    * Is it happening on all three bbPress custom post types?

    * forum, topic and reply are the tree post types and a link to one of each that this is happening with will allow me to investigate why.

    * I can’t think of a plugin for bbPress that changes the ping status of the custom post types but just in case can you disable all your plugins except bbPress and create a new forum, a topic in that forum and a reply to that topic and then create a WordPress post with a link to each of the three and see if you see any pingbacks.



    *It’s happening on topic post types.

    *Here is an example.

    *I can try that. I’m not sure, but I think I’ve disabled self-pingbacks (or whatever they’re called), so I think that won’t work.

    Thanks for that, I’ll go make a note to dig into why the tracbacks/pingbacks are enabled, they shouldn’t be.

    I had a quick look at the theme your using, MineWP, if you make a copy of the page.php file and rename it bbpress.php then remove the ‘comments’ section of the template:

    Remove this line of code and save it and you’ll no longer have the pingbacks or trackbacks shown, technically they will still be enabled but will not show until we get this fixed.

    <?php comments_template('',true); ?>



    Ok, thanks for your help!

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