You can define the parameters like the cookie name and domain, so you should be able to do what you want here. There is already functions though that can do things if a user is logged in. For example:
<?php if (bb_current_user_can('write_posts')) : ?>
<?php endif; ?>
This has it so if the user is logged in and can write posts (default member) then do something or put in a piece of code.
Hope that helps.
I may be reading into his post, but it sounds like he wants a list of people that are currently online (?).
If so, Thomas Klaiber’s Simple Onlinelist plugin gives you a template tag (<?php show_online_users(); ?>
) that you can drop in anywhere to generate a simple list showing users currently online.
You could modify the plugin to display some kind of message, an image, part of their profile. Anything you want to keep cold, Tommy Boy.
By default, the alphanumeric code is an md5 hash of the bb_table_prefix that is set in config.php
For default installs this effectively makes the cookie names:
'bb_user_' . md5('bb_')
'bb_pass_' . md5('bb_')
You can override the name of the cookie by setting values for the following somewhere in config.php:
$bb->usercookie = 'my_great_user_cookie_name'
$bb->passcookie = 'my_great_pass_cookie_name'
Then provided that your website is in the same domain as your forum, you should have no trouble reading these cookies using your own code.
Could a private forum viewable only by specific forum members be created with this?
Doesn’t a plugin that does that exist?
I think it only makes a private forum for all members, not specific members?