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Forum Page does not have link to Login

  • @arminius


    Hello, just setup my first forum, and it does not give the user an option to login if they have already created the account. On my forum page, I have the code: [bbp-forum-index]. Here is the page: Insight would be appreciated.

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  • @robin-w


    Your link takes you to a registration page

    there are several ways to get a login.

    You can use a sidebar and add the login widget

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – Part 1

    or you can add a login to your menus

    Layout and functionality – Examples you can use

    or a modal login

    Layout and functionality – Examples you can use



    Thanks. But the other problem is on a mobile device (iPhone Safari), after I had logged in the past, going to the Forum link just says “You are already logged in”. But what I would expect it to do is bring up the forum. Thoughts on why this is happening?



    Thanks. But the other problem is

    so is the first issue fixed, and how did you do it? or is this part of the same issue?

    sounds like you are directing users to a [bbp-login] shortcode not a [bbp-forum-index].



    On Forun link, I use [bbp-forum-index]
    On Forum Registration Link, I use [bbp-login]

    Right now neither it working as expected. Right now I can’t even see a link for a New User under the Forum Registration. Their must be something I’m missing here as I would think this shouldn’t be so confusing. Thanks.



    yes it shouldn’t be so confusing !

    so ignoring the safari for the moment.

    If I click BBDT forum on the menu, and I being taken to a page in wordpress that you have set up or a link? IE how is that menu item set up?



    BBDT Forum will bring you to enter username/password, but no link to new user registration. That page is using: [bbp-forum-index] and is one I setup in wordpress, no link. Does that answer your question? Also, do I need to have a page called Forum Registration using: [bbp-login] that seems redundant. When I initally started I used this link as a guide if that helps:



    Does that answer your question?

    Yes thanks, but it was not the answer I was expecting !!

    ok so is a page you have set up called ‘forum’ and has [bbp-forum-index] and nothing else in it – yes? I don’t see how this page is then going to a page called forum-login.

    Are you manually setting up your menu, or are menu items automatically added?

    And if you type in you will go to the forums as I would expect you to. You could simply add this as a link into your menu and not worry !



    I think I found an error in my menus and now corrected it. Now just using the page yet a see no place to create a new user or login…



    ok, so now we are back to my first response which gave you two ways to do it.

    If you want it within the screen, then add this to your functions file

    //add login to top of index
    function index_login () {
    if (!is_user_logged_in() ) {
    echo do_shortcode('[bbp-login]');
    add_action ('bbp_template_before_forums_index', 'index_login' ) ;


    Functions files and child themes – explained !

    for how to do this



    I was able to drop that into my functions.php, but it did not change any of my pages. Do I need to map that code somehow to my page url to get it to work? I guess I’m confused on where and what change to expect.



    You have done it correctly and it works !

    If you log out, you’ll see a login on your forum page. It doesn’t appear if you are logged in, as it is not needed then.

    if you want register and lost pasword as well, then use

    //add login to top of index
    function index_login () {
    if (!is_user_logged_in() ) {
    echo do_shortcode(‘[bbp-login]‘);
    echo do_shortcode(‘[bbp-register]‘);
    echo do_shortcode(‘[bbp-lost-pass]‘);

    add_action (‘bbp_template_before_forums_index’, ‘index_login’ ) ;



    thanks so much for the help.. The only other issue I can’t really explain is I’ve had over 80 users sign up in past 2 weeks, but only 1 has made a comment. I’m wondering if something about posting is not intuitive? Can you give insight if I’m missing something?



    no, all looks fine to me !

    You always get a lot of lurkers on any website, who learn, but don’t post. They may well have subscribed to forums so they get updates

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