Sorry, it’s pretty hard to tell exactly what you mean 🙁
Could you post some screenshots? That would help with pointers to the issue 🙂
Also you have a few permalinks ending in -2
Make sure you do not have any slug conflicts, you might have some pages or forums in the ‘trash’ that you if you empty rhe trash you should again be able to use the link without the -2
Sorry for my english, it´s bad I know.
I put you a some pictures…
This is de actual forum header, with the bug:
And this is the blog post:
The forum header is like a the first blog post.
And I want the header to be like the tittle of forum like this:
Do you have any static pages set in Dashboard -> Settings -> Reading (/wp-admin/options-reading.php), if you have a page here for the ‘Home’ and it has long text as it’s title that can cause the issue you see.
I am pretty sure you need to create a bbPress template for your theme, make a copy of page.php
and rename it bbpress.php
It looks like there are some similar questions in the theme support forums but I cannot see the answers as I am not a registered owner of the theme.