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Hello from Japan! How to remove a tag using php function?

  • @yoosuke


    Good evening MrRobinW and MrStephenEdgar!
    Japan is currently rainy season.
    I like rainy days as well as sunny days.

    Well, I need your help again…(Of course my website is going well these days!)

    This time, I wanna remove a <option> tag
    with adding php function into “function.php” of WordPress.

    At a create-topic page, users can select one specific forum.
    And the souse code is like…

    <label for="bbp_forum_id">in forum</label><br />
    <select name="bbp_forum_id" id="bbp_forum_id" tabindex="103">
    <option value="" class="level-0">select:</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="1">Apple</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="2">Banana</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="3">Grapes</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="4">Elephant</option>

    In my website, these 4 forums has been set to the public,
    and I don’t wanna change the setting.

    However, I do not show the last one (Elephant!) to every users at the time.
    In this case, what code should I put into the “function.php” of WordPress.

    For me, The case is too difficult to solve.orz
    Would you please advice me…

    many thanks

    WordPress: ver3.9.1
    bbPress: ver2.5.3

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