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Switching language on the fly

  • arunondeck



    I have a forum where my users need to be able to have the option to view in two languages. I have added the necessary language files and when any language is defined, it works fine.

    But I need users to be able to choose language of their choice. Is there any way to do it?

    I did find a plugin,
    bbpress language switcher

    and an updated version of it.
    bbpress language switcher updated

    but it does not work for current version of bbpress. I tried to update it but there are too many functions that I am not familiar with.
    Is there some other similar plugins?

    On a related note, how is the language options provided in this page? (under the subpages heading)
    bbpress in your language

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  • Stephen Edgar


    That plugin would be for the old โ€˜standaloneโ€™ version v1.x of bbPress, you would need to find a plugin that works with bbPress 2.x.

    Maybe WPML will work? Quite a few people here use it with bbPress:

    (Note: You have to ask WPML for the extra bbPress additional plugin to use WPML with bbPress)

    On a related note, how is the language options provided in this page? (under the subpages heading)

    They are just simple ordinary WordPress pages and the parent page is the page you linked. Both the content and the title of each page is written in the authors ‘native tongue’ there is nothing special behind this, standard WordPress is way cool like this. ๐Ÿ™‚



    Hi Stephen,

    Thank you for replying. I don’t think I can use WPML now since the site is up and running and a fresh start won’t be an option. I had to look again to understand that page. Simple yet niche ๐Ÿ˜€

    How possible is it to make a plugin like the above? Is there a filter or so I can hook into to change the front end language?

    If there is not, is having two wordpress installations, each in a separate language but sharing the same database an option? It is rather cumbersome way to work around this but I am going crazy over this now.

    Stephen Edgar


    How possible is it to make a plugin like the above? Is there a filter or so I can hook into to change the front end language?

    I can’t think of a way of the top of my head…

    If there is not, is having two wordpress installations, each in a separate language but sharing the same database an option? It is rather cumbersome way to work around this but I am going crazy over this now.

    This would be an option, could be done, but a massive amount of work in setup and maintenance.

    I haven’t used WPML myself so how it does it’s thing I am not sure of but if it must be a fresh install can you make a backup of your database and site then export posts, pages, forums, topics, replies with the WXR Export then perform a clean install of WordPress, add WPML, then import the WXR data to the fresh install?



    Hi Stephen,

    I was able to achieve this by using two separate installations, sharing the same database, each in a different language. Wrote a function to change the site url depending on the site used.


    Cool, glad you found a way to make it work for you ๐Ÿ™‚

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