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Multiple background images.

  • @rukiar7


    So I have a main forum with about 5 different sub forums.
    I would like the main forum to have a background image, and the 5 sub forums to have their own. The topics in the main forums will keep the main forum background image and the topics in the sub forums will keep that particular sub forum background image as well. Is it possible?

    If there is no easy way I figure I could hack it. Create pages with the different backgrounds, make the forums transparent, and iframe it. Or insert the php code to call the forums in on that page, how to do that I don’t know but I guess I’ll figure it out if no one can help here as I expect. Would be great if a plugin could do all this but I doubt such a one exists. Thanks for any help.

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  • @lynq


    The easiest way will be to take the forum name and then run it through a function to remove dodgy characters and change spaces with hyphens then make it lower case into a class name. Then you can add that in the subforum row as a class.

    If you need more info let me know 🙂 Good luck!



    You can also go down the path of add Post Thumbnails to your forums and topics, not so much replies though unless you have some awesome templates 😉

    There is some example code in this thread:

    Add Featured Image to the BBpress Index



    I think I will just use the html option on the forum backend pages and add !important to get a background image override. It worked with colors at least. Thank you for the suggestions but I am a noob and they are hard. This should work simply enough even if its the ugly way to do it. Thank you.



    It’s all good, I still call myself a noob quite often 😉

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