that takes alot of css, best you install wordpress and feature your forum on all categories
like here
Can you point me to a guide or post that lists the CSS work?
I’m really surprised there isn’t a better template integration between wordpress and bbpress!
L and see this guide in installing it
and you can get live help here just sign up and post in the forums
Maybe I wasn’t clear.
I have WordPress already successfully installed, now I have installed BBpress. I’m looking for documentation for wrapping BBPress in my WordPress headers so the experience is continuous.
it is already wrapped in the header when bbpress is installed.
Just create categories in your menu, linking it to bbPress forums
what is the link to your site, to better explain this
This is the development site:
I already have the link at the top to the forums. What I would like, is for the entire header of the home page:
home, forums, ect. twitter, ect
hip pressure cooking banner and image
to be displayed above the forums.
OK. I just found the answer to my own question.
I mistakenly installed BB PRESS as stand-alone app. I didn’t realize that it could also just be installed as a plug-in to WordPress – didn’t see that anywhere in the documentation.
Just tested it and it looks great, it not only wraps in the header and footer but also the side-bar. As with any WP page, you can just select a button to undo this.
To anyone in the same boat as I am. Go to WordPress:Plugins and install BB Press from there. Then, all new forums, topics, ect. will be created from the WP Admin panel.