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how to change color of text in bbpress

  • @subho


    i am having trouble in changing text color in bbpress.
    my wordpress version is Version 3.4.2 and bbpress version is : 2.2.2
    I am no expert in Css but have a little knowledge about css,after installing bbpress every thing was working perfect until i realised i am not able to view what i have written in the subject of a topic because my text color matches background color,resulting in a white screen.I went through some similar related topic but sadly was unable to fix the problem.If some one can guide me step by step what should be done to erase this problem i would be grateful.I use a custom theme on my website named PrestigeDarkVol 1.4.Below is a screen shot of the problem faced by me.
    Do let me know which Css to edit and which lines and the location of the css file in file transfer protocol.Any help related to this topic is much appreciated. thank you very much in advanced.looking forward for a solution.
    link to image :

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