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forums disappeared after installation of v2.2

  • @jakewho


    I successfully upgraded to bbPress v2.2 (and then 2.2.1), but for some reason I can no longer see my forums. Since I am still in the process of setting up my site, I have tried everything I could think of, including deleting all forums and topics…then I deleted the BuddyPress and bbPress plugins and reinstalled and reactivated them. When I create a new forum, I still can’t see the forum layout for my forum page(s). What I see instead is a blank page (plus the description text for the forum), but none of the blank fields for creating a topic associated with the forum or for entering content into the topic/forum. When I create create a topic and associate it with the forum, it still does the same thing.

    A URL where this can be seen is:


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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    Likely something in your theme. What happens if you switch back to a default theme?



    I just switched back to a default theme and I am still experiencing the same issue??



    This is a rare long-shot, but it’s possible your host has output buffering turned off. Can you check with your host and see if that’s the case?



    I will try and find out from my web host, but in the mean time is there a way to completely uninstall bbPress and then reinstall it. I don’t currently have have any discussion forum content, so there is nothing for me to lose.

    One other potential symptom…I have WPML installed and all of my user facing content is set to be displayed in Portuguese. When I have created new forums, they don’t show up in the dashboard as being associated with either English or Portuguese. They should show up as being associated with Portuguese, since that is the language I had set when I created the forum.

    …I do have lots of pages and posts, so I wouldn’t want to lose any of this content.

    Thanks much



    In Tools > Forums are some uninstall tools, but if you don’t have forum content, there’s nothing to uninstall. Reinstalling bbPress is just uploading the files and activating the plugin.

    Unclear how bbPress works with WPML, haven’t tried the two together.



    I used the Reset Forum option, under tools/forums and everything executed successfully, except for the “Deleting Conversion Tableā€¦ Failed”

    I went and created a new forum and it still isn’t working correctly. Here is the link to the page I was taken to, when I clicked on “view forum” from the dashboard page of the newly created forum:



    It’s possible you have some other plugin that isn’t playing nicely with bbPress. Typical trouble shooting rules apply: start deactivating things, and keep reverting changes, until you find the source.



    Okay…I will try that…but the event which caused the forums to “disappear” was the upgrade to bbPress v2.2. Prior to that it was working just fine.



    I deactivated all of my plugins and reactivated them one by one. It turns out that the conflicting plugin is Yoast WordPress SEO v1.2.8.7

    The SEO plugin is very important to my site. Is there a way to resolve this conflict?

    Thanks much.

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