Changing the ‘name’ value (line 125) from your bb-includes/capabilities.php
file would be enough
Worked like a charm, thanks so much.
No need to change core files. Just make a file called user_types.php with the following code in it and put it in your my-plugins/ folder.
Plugin Name: Change 'Member' Label
Plugin URI:
function change_user_type_labels( $label, $type ) {
if ( 'member' == $type )
return 'Kazoo Corps Draftee';
return $label;
add_filter( 'get_user_type_label', 'change_user_type_labels', 10, 2 );
I made another approach to fit this need and used it on my forum.
function ChangeRoleDisplayName() {
global $bb_roles;
$bb_roles->role_names['keymaster'] = "Toilet Cleaner";
add_action('bb_got_roles', 'ChangeRoleDisplayName', 10, 0);
The complete code is in role-display-name.php.