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Automatically Logged in user does not persist

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  • @lynq


    When you say send the user to your bbPress forum and log them in, is this happening during another process or are they clicking a link or? I am not too sure on how the sending is working and just wanted to get it clarified so I could try and help.

    All the best.



    Hi Lynq
    Yes we have a link on our website that takes the user to our forum installed at

    that link includes parameters to send a userid, password, email, first and last name. If the user is in the wordpress DB then we log them in. (if not we register them using insert_new_user) this all works and the user shows up as being logged in, they can reply to the current topic if they wish

    The problem is that when they click on another topic bbpress does not see them as logged in any longer.




    Is it possibly a server config issue?
    I am also getting this error:

    Error: Are you sure you wanted to do that? New install, no bbpress files changed

    and their fix was to move from a godaddy test server to a real domain…..



    ok, found the solution to this one also.

    I had to move the login sequence way up into the WP hierarchy. Seems that wp_signon does not well if its not run normally and too far into the display of your forum.
    I’ve got it in wp-blog-header and it seems to work.

    Does anyone know if there is a better place to put this?

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