Nothing? No one? Dang I really need help with this. I can’t find anything, and all appears to be set correctly. Everything else is working just perfectly, but this is a fairly important problem.
Looks like you integrated with WordPress 2.7.1 – did you integrate the logins? What version of bbPress did you install?
When my users click the same link while signed out, they get sent to a similar link:
So it looks like bbPress is sending users to the right place. So I played around with your URL a bit:
That didn’t work either, so I stripped off the re= part completely:
That worked… suggesting that the problem is with the re= part and your htaccess file.
Just when I was feeling clever, I did a quick Google search and ck had already figured it all out:
Maybe try disabling MultiViews or checking your htaccess file?
Thanks, I gave that a shot, but sadly it did not make any difference. I had turned on multiviews so I could use pretty permalinks, but changed it back to default and turned off multiviews, but I still get a 404.
chrishajer, I installed bbpress , and they are sharing a database, use the same login, etc.
I just realized it is doing the same thing on another bbpress forum I installed last year. I know it used to work however. Ugh.
What does your htaccess file look like?
You likely have something funky in a higher level htaccess file affecting your entire setup
Notice how this works:
but this doesn’t
Well, I totally can’t figure it out. I took the ultimate cop-out hack and in front-page.php, I removed
<?php new_topic(); ?>
and replaced it with ADD NEW
<a href="">ADD NEW</a>
which works just fine, so I am happy with it.
I am having the same issue. I am running 1.0.2 sharing cookies with WP 2.8.5. If a user is not logged in, and selects “add new”, they are routed to my WP 404 screen. Instead of using the hack above, I’ve done the following hack so that the redirect is maintained. Note that it just strips the “http://” out of the redirect. Hopefully a real fix can be put in place for this.
I’ve done some limited testing and this seems to work.
In I created the following function:
function hackfixurl ($url){
$url= str_replace(“http://”, “”, $url);
$url= str_replace($_SERVER[“HTTP_HOST”], “”, $url);
return $url;
Then, on line 1590 of the same file, wrap the url with the new function like:
$url = bb_get_uri(‘bb-login.php’, array(‘re’ => hackfixurl($url)), BB_URI_CONTEXT_A_HREF + BB_URI_CONTEXT_BB_USER_FORMS);
WP 2.8.5 + bbP 1.0.2 works fine for me. So the problem is setup specific.