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Paypal or Premium Subscriber Mode

  • Hi,

    I’d like to set up a forum that requires members to pay for access, preferably using Papyals subscription facility. Is there anything available that would easily allow me to do that?

    I’m thinking there may be two options –

    1. Integrate BBpress with WordPress and use a Premium WordPress access plug-in.


    2. Have a plug-in that stands alone with BBpress that allows users to subscribe for access.

    Does anyone know of any plug-ins/software that exsists that would allow me to do that?

    I have had a look at many forum programs to find something useful to do this. The only forum software I have found with premium subscriptions built in is Dolphin/Orca by Boonex. However I’ve had problems with Boonex support and the Orca forum software.

    So does anyone have any ideas as to how I can have people pay for access to a BBpress (or any other) forum.



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  • You could use create a new Role, and then restrict access to a specific forum only to people in that role or higher using Hidden Forums:

    You’d still need a hook into Paypal, if you wanted to automate purchasing of access to your premium forum… but you could take that code from some of the existing WordPress or WordPress MU programs out there?

    Thanks for that… but I just found out that SMF just launched a new version with paypal subscriptions built in.



    Mike Stott


    Edit: Stop spamming your plugin and bumping old threads. -Moderator.

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