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err ERRR install probs

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  • it seems that you did not set the proper form url in your config.php file. Look at your file and make sure that all of your data is proper.

    Could you provide a link to your site?

    madawaffe please post your email so i can send you the link

    ah nevermind my 3rd install it seems i got everything correct, now just need to config it with my blog, any suggestions?

    err now i can’t login with the admin u/p bbpress gave me :(

    If you switched user tables after bbPress was already installed, the accounts in the old user tables won’t work.

    You can log in with the accounts in the new user table, but none of those accounts will have administrator rights in bbPress.

    You’ll have to manually add something to your database.

    In WordPress’ usermeta table, add an entry that looks like:

    user_id: #your user id on your blog#

    meta_key: bb_capabilities (replace ‘bb_’ with bbPress’ table prefix)

    meta_value: a:1:{s:9:”keymaster”;b:1;}

    christ, would it not just be easier to remove the forum, delete the sql db, and start over..

    i did follow the install instructions exactly, and did (i thought) have my config correct. By far this forum has given me more errors than any larger open source one… but i still love the layout this forum holds and really want to use this… im just saying for such a small forum i am slowly getting a large headache.


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