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Check out my Theme Intergration

  • Well I’ve finally done it, Intergrated my WP blog theme with bbPress. It’s not as hard as you think once you look around. Anyway check out my intergration here: (blog) (forum)

    (There are still 1 or two minor CSS errors but the intergration of WordPress functions has been done successfully.

    It’s taken me a few days to figure it all out, but I’ve finally done it. Although it does sound like im bragging alot. I also want to share a website that could also help you do theme intergration:

    This site provides blank themes that are literally the bare minimum of CSS, but even better they provide blank themes in type so for example my blog layout is a 2 Column design. I would also find this layout on and then begin editing it.

    Being able to get a pre-coded layout with the bare minimum needed within it, certainly helped me alot. And I was able to understand and modify to intergrate my blog theme into it.

    I hope this website can help you to in intergrating your bbPress installation

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  • Nice customisation to the theme.

    I see you don’t seem to be having my issue at

    did you get this issue at at all?

    Sorry for the really late reply. Didn’t see my topic with a reply.

    To bbPress’ credit I got that error and alot more when intergrating the wordpress database and theme intergration (But it is currently alpha) and I am looking forward to the stable release of 1.0 now that I’ve seen it and essentially test drived it.

    If your still having problems I can only assume your also using the 1.0 alpha as well, in which case I’d suggest you consider downgrading to WordPress 2.5.1 and bbPress 0.9.2. I did a couple days ago and it is very stable, the intergration is perfect and I have no problems with permalinks etc.

    Great integration. I’m looking to do something similar for one of my websites. Very Nice.

    nice customerization

    Beautiful! You probably made some good tweaks to, because your forum is way faster than your blog!

    I get an error when trying to go to the link for the forum mentioned in the original post…

    I am trying to figure out the benefits of intergrating the 2. (blog+forum)



    same here

    The only reason I integrated was because I have people with IDs who comment on my blog, and I wanted them to be able to use the same IDs and passwords to use the forums. That was pretty much it.

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