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Can't get past database configuration page

  • I get this no matter what I use

    There was a problem connecting to the database you specified.

    Please check the settings, then try again.

    I am now unsure as to what my Database name and Database user plus password are?

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  • Gautam Gupta


    Is your MySql host different from “localhost”? Then click advanced settings and put it there.

    I’m very new to this Im surprised I got it installed! I dont know if my MySql and local host are different where do I find out?



    A Bradford man eh? I was down there on thursday.

    Anyway, welcome to bbPress.

    What you want to do here is look at your WordPress config file (wp-config.php) that is already on your website (i am presuming here that you’re wanting to add a forum for – or at least on the same server).

    You will see what it has for each of the details that you filled in for the corresponding bb-config.php file. that should give you some insight as to what the database settings should be :)

    Yeah Bradford! Famous for riots, serial killers and Gareth Gates (apologies for that last one guys lol)

    What i wanted to do was have bb integrated with wordpress so users can log into both with same details

    Anyway my config file has as name app100750237xxxx and this should be user name and i know password but still same error?



    Gareth Gates earned a bit over of leway in the Gallagher household for Jordan, but Stuart McCall… y’all are going to hell of keeping him alive/busy for a while longer ;-)

    Anyway, what you want is to make sure that your bbPress config file has the same info as teh wordpress config file for each of these below

    in WordPress

    define( 'DB_NAME', 'database_name' );

    /** MySQL database username */

    define( ‘DB_USER’, ‘user_name’ );

    /** MySQL database password */

    define( ‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘password’ );

    /** MySQL hostname */

    define( ‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’ );

    /** Database Charset to use in creating database tables. */

    define( ‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8’ );

    /** The Database Collate type. Don’t change this if in doubt. */

    define( ‘DB_COLLATE’, ” );

    in bbPress

    define( 'BBDB_NAME', 'database_name' );

    /** MySQL database username */

    define( ‘BBDB_USER’, ‘user_name’ );

    /** MySQL database password */

    define( ‘BBDB_PASSWORD’, ‘password’ );

    /** MySQL hostname */

    define( ‘BBDB_HOST’, ‘localhost’ );

    /** Database Charset to use in creating database tables. */

    define( ‘BBDB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8’ );

    /** The Database Collate type. Don’t change this if in doubt. */

    define( ‘BBDB_COLLATE’, ” );

    If they are the same, then I’m a bit clueless right now

    opps now im getting

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function defindefine() in /home/content/79/5217879/html/forum/bb-config.php on line 21



    You’ve got define in twice:

    instead of define('x','y') you’ll have definedefine('x',y')

    I’d start again with a clean bb-congif.php and input the details as required.

    Oh God, I spent all day trying to get this to work

    I deleted everything then I have uploaded bbpress to again but when I go there and enter the details still getting

    “There was a problem connecting to the database you specified.

    Please check the settings, then try again.”

    Booghoo – anyone help?

    Its going to be something very simple cos Im new to this

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