Re: Basic integration screencast
I just watched the basic integration screencast and tried integration again. I ran into some of the same problems mentioned above so I did a little testing.
1. Sam, thanks for the screencast.
2. Using a subdirectory of forums, and then making a WordPress Page called “Forums” with a slug of “forums” works just fine. The page will show up in your WordPress page menu like any other Page, but the real ‘forums’ subdirectory you installed bbPress into is what is displayed to visitors, NOT the content of the WordPress Page called “Forums.” I used to install a redirect plugin at WordPress to redirect the “Forums” Page to the real subdirectory, but I guess this works just fine like this. Good to know.
3. When using PHP4 (4.4.9) I encountered the “Forum could not be created!” error mentioned above. I thought it was possibly the MySQL version (which was 4.0.27 I believe) but it turned out that by using PHP5 (5.2.6) it installed fine, into the same database. I added this to my .htaccess file in the site root (for WordPress and bbPress):
AddType x-mapp-php5 .php
That forced .php files to be processed as PHP5. I did that before installing WordPress. I confirmed with phpinfo that PHP5 was being used for both the blog and the forum. The 2nd time through (actually, the 3rd time, but that’s a different story), using PHP5, the forum was created properly.
After that, following the screencast pretty closely resulted in an installation where I can log in as Admin (key master) at either bbPress or WordPress, and I am logged in on the other side, as expected. Logging out of one logs me out of both. It’s what I expect user integration to be.
Waiting for the next screencast, Sam. Thanks.
p.s. Did I miss it, or is the NONCE key for bbPress never set in the video? I have one in wp-config.php, since the keys were generated by the API, but did I miss setting that in bbPress? Should I just make it the same as it is in bbPress? Will not having it prevent me from administering the forum or something? I didn’t test any functionality of the forum, just the logins.