Re: “alphabetical” ordering of hot tags
It uses the action
do_action_ref_array( 'sort_tag_heat_map', array(&$counts) );
which looks like
function bb_sort_tag_heat_map( &$tag_counts ) {
uksort($tag_counts, 'strnatcasecmp');
So it was designed to be replaced fortunately.
First to have to unhook the existing action in your plugin:
remove_filter('sort_tag_heat_map', 'bb_sort_tag_heat_map');
Then put in your replacement
add_filter('sort_tag_heat_map', 'my_sort_tag_heat_map');
function my_sort_tag_heat_map( &$tag_counts ) {
// put your replacement code here
According to this, it’s supposed to support your locale, but there is a bug: