Re: A phpBB to bbPress database converter
I am having problems with the phpbb2bbpress converter (
When I run the file I just get this message. There isnt a sql-file to download or a file created on my server.
1: I downloaded the file from:
2: I edited the lines I have written in bold.
define(‘DB_PHPBB_PASSWORD’, ‘[b]databasepassword[/b]’);
define(‘DB_PHPBB_DATABASE’, ‘[b]databasename[/b]’);
define(‘DB_PHPBB_TABLEPREFIX’, ‘phpbb_’);
define(‘DB_BBPRESS_HOSTNAME’, ‘localhost’);
define(‘DB_BBPRESS_USERNAME’, ‘[b]databasename[/b]’);
define(‘DB_BBPRESS_PASSWORD’, ‘[b]databasepassword[/b]’);
define(‘DB_BBPRESS_DATABASE’, ‘[b]databasename[/b]’);
define(‘DB_BBPRESS_TABLEPREFIX’, ‘bb_’);
I only have one database on my server, so the databasename and password is the same on the phpbb and bbpress part
define(‘FILENAME’, ‘/tmp/phpbb_imported.sql’); // Which one ? (Ensure this path is writeable by the server)
define(‘AUTO_IMPORT_EXPORTED_DATA’, false); // Should the script automagically import the converted DB ?
3: I created the folder tmp at the root and used chmod on it.
4: I uploaded the file to the root and tried to open it but I couldnt. So I removed the s in .phps and it worked. But i only got this message – but nothing really happened. I cant download a file, and there is nothing on my server. What am I doing wrong?
This script can convert a PhpBB 2.0.X ( forum database to bbPress “Bix” 0.73 ( format.
Developed by Jaime GÓMEZ OBREGÓN from ITEISA, based on the previous work of Bruno Torres and The phpBB Group.
The latest version of this file can be found on
Starting conversion
Connected to the phpBB database host
Selected the phpBB database
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