Re: 610 mysql query in front-page…
$hidden_forums=array(10); // hide these forums, list by comma seperated number
$hidden_forums=array(‘keymaster’,’administrator’,’moderator’); // these roles can always see ALL forums regardless
$hidden_forums[500]=array(‘administrator’,’moderator’); // exact formal role name, *not* ability
$hidden_forums[501]=array(‘administrator’,’moderator’); // exact formal role name, *not* ability
$hidden_forums=array(1); // these users can always see ALL forums regardless
$hidden_forums[500]=array(5432,7654); // list of users by number
$hidden_forums[501]=array(5432,7654); // list of users by number
$hidden_forums=””; // text, html, css or image to indicate hidden forums/topics, make it =””; if you don’t want any label at all